Monday, December 19, 2016

Second Trimester: Emotional

Second trimester has come and gone, bringing on the tears like no other. That's right. I was an emotional, hot mess the entire time.

I'm not one to cry or get heated quickly but boy have my emotions changed. If anyone did something I did not agree with, was rude to me or made me angry in general, I let them know. And by that, I mean I didn't shy away with it and brush it off like I usually do. I fired back with words or gestures which usually resulted in tears shortly after. The ugly cry club welcomed me with sobs and tantrums I never knew could come out of my system. It's been real fun! (Not).

Although second trimester was a waterworks factory, there were some great milestone moments where I've been pretty happy for the majority of my pregnancy. I didn't have morning sickness but the one time I got sick, I threw up on Apollo's head (14 weeks). We traveled to Boone, NC (16 weeks) and Chattanooga, TN (26 weeks) making pit stops along the way of course. We found out we were having a BOY (18 weeks) and prepped shortly after by taking my first maternity class, intro to breastfeeding (19 weeks) and painting the nursery gray (20 weeks). At week 19, Jeremy found me crying in the automobile section at Target of all places, go figure. At 21 weeks, Jeremy was able to feel Elijah kick for the first time after patiently waiting for the big reveal. Things started getting real at 22 weeks when we bought a crib and were officially overwhelmed after taking a childcare tour where Elijah will go once I go back to work. Week 23 brought on major tears when we laid Apollo to rest and I said goodbye to my first baby (love you, big guy). We were overwhelmed again at week 25, meeting pediatricians and getting insights on future doctor visits.

Towards the end of my second trimester, I failed my glucose test requiring me to take the dreaded 3-hour re-test. It really wasn't that bad and I passed the second test with flying colors. It was the last week of 2nd trimester when I noticed fatigue starting to creep back in and slightly swollen feet and hands come into existence. I also got good practice of staying up all night while taking care of my mom who was in the hospital for 3 days. You do anything for the ones you love, that's for sure.

I'm sure I'm super behind on all things baby but I'm taking it one week at a time, trying to cross things off this major check-list of bringing a baby into the world. I have no clue how my emotions will be as we enter this last trimester of pregnancy, but I will try to let sweet, little Asha come out more than the Mama Bear that made her appearance here and there.

Third trimester. Here. We. Go.

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