Thursday, March 31, 2016

Motownphilly Back Again

The start of March had me in a rut. I was annoyed with the cold weather, tired of my 5k training, and bored with Charlotte in general. Lucky for me, I had an incredible date night to look forward to involving Jeremy, Boyz II Men, and the Charlotte Symphony.

Boyz II Men's Album, II, was one of the first CDs I got my hands on when I was younger. I had never seen them live before so when I got an email at work offering a discount to see them perform live with the Charlotte Symphony, I was beyond excited. Actually, I was a little confused. I wasn't sure if the Charlotte Symphony was playing their songs or if the men themselves would perform them. My friend, Kaitlin, kindly called the theatre and confirmed that Boyz II Men would indeed be there. That's all I needed to know to book the tickets.

That evening, Jeremy and I got dressed up and headed out for a night on the town. We had an amazing southern meal at Mert's Heart and Soul that had us wanting their soul rolls coming plate after plate. Afterwards we headed to Belk Theatre to hear the combination of voices and symphony which, to no surprise, was a winning combination.

For the next 3 hours we were reliving our middle-school memories as we sung at the top of our lungs to most of the throw-back songs they sang. There were a few new songs that we liked as well. Boyz II Men proved that they still had it while they busted out moves and serenaded the audience with roses, all while sounding effortless. The Charlotte Symphony was the perfect match making the show more intimate and adding a special touch that made the show unforgettable.

The entire drive home, Jeremy and I belted our hearts out to Motwonphilly on repeat. I'm sure you wish you were in the car next to us to witness the awesomeness that went down. Boyz II Men forever!!!!

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