Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hip Hop Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyyyy....

....Hoooooooo Heyyyyyyyy Hooooooooo.

I ran my first 5k since December.  It felt good to be back in the racing scene, brand new age group and all! I decided to do the Bunny Run 5k with my BFF and friends from work.  I loved the course last year so I was excited to get back on the pavement once again.

It felt like the runner participation doubled from last year.  The race is run on the Les Myers Greenway in Concord which is pretty narrow for 350 people all at once.  Needless to say, it was a little hard to maneuver at the start of the race.  Once we weaved our way through, it got better.  I still managed to have a slow time.  4 minutes slower that last year!!  I'm slackin'.  I need to pick up the pace!  

I had fun regardless of my running time.  Jeremy and I brought along Apollo and Hoover (dog we are pet sitting).  I love bringing Apollo to races since it gets people talking to us and it wears him out for the rest of the day.  He also enjoys socializing with other people and dogs.  He likes the attention.  Hoover enjoyed mingling with everyone as well.

Sairy, Sianneth, and I got into the Bunny Run Spirit and turned into little bunnies ourselves.  Bunny ears and cotton tails were worn :) Bow ties came with the ears but we didn't really feel like wearing them.  I didn't want to put them to waste so the dogs volunteered to dress up too!
Bunny Running Crew!

Ha! I love Sianneth's face in this.

Friends from work came to run too!

I hope everyone has a happy Easter!  This is my last one as a Little!


  1. Love it!!!!! Put those pics on facebook!

  2. AND it can't be your last one. You still need to post about bridal shower and bachelorette weekend. So I expect at least 2 more.
